
Acceptable Employee Use of College Email Policy

Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Technology Solutions
Effective date:
August 4, 2010
Last content update:
February 7, 2018


The College uses electronic communication as an official means of information delivery. This use is motivated by the convenience, speed, 使用电子邮件而不是印刷通信的成本效益和环境优势. Because of this reliance on and acceptance of electronic communication, email is considered an official means for communication at the College.

这一政策的实施确保了员工能够使用这种重要的沟通方式. It also ensures that employees can be accessed by email as the need arises.


College use of email

Email is an official means for communication at Minnesota State Community and Technical College. Therefore, 学院有权通过学院电子邮件系统向员工发送通信,并希望员工及时阅读这些通信. The College retains the right to send official communication via traditional methods.

Assignment of email addresses

Information Technology Services (ITS) will assign employees an official College email address. The College will send email communications to this official address.

Redirecting of email

Email can be electronically forwarded to another email address. 如果员工选择将邮件从其正式地址转发到其他电子邮件地址(例如.g., @msn.com, @q.com) the employee may do so at his or her own risk. 学院不负责处理外部供应商的电子邮件或将电子邮件重定向到另一个帐户.

Expectations regarding employee use of email

学院希望员工在受雇或合同期间每天(计划工作日)检查他们的电子邮件, unless on approved leave or in travel status. During non-contractual periods of time, traditional methods (i.e., U.S. Postal Service, Federal Express, UPS) will be utilized to communicate urgent or time-sensitive material, 员工有责任认识到某些沟通可能是时间敏感的.

Educational uses of email

Faculty may determine how students will use email in their classes. 强烈建议教师在课程大纲中详细说明他们对电子邮件的要求和期望. 教师可能希望学生使用他们的官方学院电子邮件地址用于教学目的. Faculty may use email for their courses accordingly.

Appropriate use of email

In general, 电子邮件不适合传输敏感或机密信息,除非其使用具有适当的安全级别. 学生记录的机密性受到1974年《大发彩票网全部平台》(FERPA)的保护。. All use of email, including use for sensitive or confidential information, will be consistent with FERPA.

All employees using any of the College’s IT resources, including email, must adhere to the Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources Policy and all other IT policies and procedures, as applicable. 所有员工都要对他们访问学院IT资源的权限负责.

Mass email and unsolicited email

The College uses email as the primary means for communicating important information to students. 群发电子邮件是通知校园和大学社区的一种有用和方便的方式. However, 它们可能会不必要地消耗资源,使校园收件箱变得杂乱,这就要求这些信息的发送者遵守一些指导方针. As such, mass emails must be approved or sent by authorized users only. 群发电子邮件是一种未经请求的电子邮件信息,发送到一组其他不相关的校园电子邮件地址. 例如,向所有教师或所有学生发送信息将被视为群发邮件. 这些消息是通过使用个人构造的地址列表还是系统生成的列表发送的, such as All-Staff@smhy2328.com, makes no difference in the effect or applicability of this policy. Sending a message to members of a club or a group of friends does not constitute a mass emailing. Sending messages to groups, committees, or divisions also does not constitute a mass emailing.

There are four basic types of college-wide and campus email distribution lists:

  • All faculty and all staff, college-wide
  • All students, college-wide
  • All faculty and all staff, at a particular campus
  • All students, taking courses at a particular campus

While students and employees may maintain personal group lists, 这些名单不应用于发送违反任何学院政策的未经请求的电子邮件.

Use of college-wide and campus email distribution lists

College email is only for official college business. 使用大学范围和校园范围的电子邮件分发列表应该只用于对大学社区所有成员重要的信息.

  • 对特定校园感兴趣的电子邮件应该使用个别校园分发列表.
  • Announcements of cafeteria menus, fitness center schedules, art shows, music performances, bookstore sales, etc. should not be sent to email distribution lists individually; it would be more appropriate to gather this information into a campus or student weekly newsletter to be sent out at the same time and/or post the information in a table tent, poster, campus monitor, or to a campus or College News and Events website/portal.
  • Faculty, 员工和学生的电子邮件分发列表不提供给外部组织,除非法律或政策规定. 来自这些团体的电子邮件可以由适当的学院代表发送到学院分发列表.
  • 向学生发送有关新课程或项目信息的大量电子邮件只能在事先得到教务副校长或指定人员批准的情况下发送到学生电子邮件列表中,并且每学期只能发送一到两次. 该列表应该只提供新课程和项目的列表,并链接到相应的网站以获取更多信息.
  • 个别教师可以将有关新课程和项目的信息发送给他们认为合适的学生,而无需事先批准.
Access to college-wide email distribution lists

The following individuals have access to the use of college-wide email distribution lists:

  • College President
  • Vice Presidents
  • College Registrar
  • Director of Strategic Communications and Marketing
  • College-wide Deans
  • Campus Student Development Service Directors
  • Information Technology Staff
  • Administrative Assistants to the President and Vice Presidents
  • 校园学生参与主任(请与学生服务部门合作,尽量减少给学生的信息)

总统内阁成员可以批准永久或临时访问学院范围内的电子邮件分发列表为其他教师或工作人员. 允许某人使用大学范围内的电子邮件分发列表的临时访问权限将允许电子邮件回复直接发送给该个人. Timeline for gaining this approval is expected to be completed within two weeks.

Access to an individual campus-wide email distribution list

学术院长和校园学生发展服务主任可以决定谁可以通过校园教职员工和学生电子邮件分发列表发送通信. The following individuals will also have access to the campus email distribution lists:

  • College President
  • Vice Presidents
  • College Registrar
  • Director of Strategic Communications and Marketing
  • College-wide Deans
  • Campus Student Development Service Directors
  • Information Technology Staff
  • Administrative Assistants to the President and Vice Presidents
  • 校园学生参与主任(请与学生服务部门合作,将给学生的信息保持在最低限度.)

Separate access can be granted for the campus faculty/staff and student lists. 教务长和校园学生发展服务主任可以随时请求更改访问权限或请求个人临时访问权限. 允许某人使用大学范围内的电子邮件分发列表的临时访问权限将允许电子邮件回复直接发送给该个人.

Sending attachments to students through distribution lists

For employees who have been granted access to use the student distribution lists, 在发送之前,信息必须由战略传播和营销总监或其他指定人员进行选择和批准.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Freedom of Information Act

Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA)

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Computer Use Agreement

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy


Minnesota State Community and Technical College Intellectual Property Policy

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Policy Student Directory Data Policy

Minnesota State system Board Policy 1.C.2. Fraudulent and Other Dishonest Acts


Policy author(s):
Dan Knudson
Peter Wielinski


DateDescription of Change

Policy updated.